Believe in Freedom

A new National Holiday will soon be here.
It was refreshing to see social media posts about the origins of Juneteenth and people wishing one another a happy day.
We are witnesses to history, herstory, xstory at an accelerated rate. Ideas can spark in an instant and be across the global in seconds. Exciting and terrifying at the same time.
I remember a fun lecture in my Naturalist Training class on Geology. The teacher said when she was in undergrad, her group of friends in the field would go around saying “Geology is Now!” I just love that – the concept that the earth, in its slow march, is changing dynamically and constantly. It’s just really, really, really slow.
History is Now! It made me ponder for the day, what is Freedom? Political freedom, spiritual freedom, freedom of thought, freedom of speech, Of course we should not be free to hurt people. It was a laborious day of pondering!
At the end of the day I realized that the belief in freedom is paramount. To live in a free society is a good thing. To really have freedom, better. Belief in freedom, best.
A belief we are not free would make us not believe in dreams. To not work for our hearts. To not believe we can have a life of true meaning.
My pondering finally meandered to making a promise to myself. To exercise my freedoms and to believe I have freedom. Because freedom is the spark that effects creativity. Freedom and creativity can make strong and powerful change. In myself and in humanity. So, here’s to our new soon to be National Holiday, Juneteenth!
Happy Freedom!

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