This item is flammable and cannot be shipped via Air. Therefore, it cannot be shipped Priority, Express or Internationally. It can only be shipped in the contiguous United States. If you order this item Priority or Express, your entire order will be shipped GROUND. If you order this Internationally, it will be removed from your order. These are strict FAA regulations, no exceptions can be made. Please call with any questions: 1-800-711-7182 or 303-433-3400.
1.5oz Hairspray by ONEx50
This hairspray designed with athletes in mind, is made with top quality ingredients full of vitamins and nutrients, along with built-in conditioners, sunscreen and finished with a thermal protectant that strengthen and protect your hair. This hairspray is known for it's impeccable hold, amazing smell, no flaking which is easy to brush out.
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